Join Shawn & Lynn for an intimate experience with Mt. Shasta and all her magic. Located in Northeastern California, Mt. Shasta calls you to immerse yourself in her pristine air, water, forests, mountains and sacred vortexes/portals. This area holds high frequencies of pure bliss, heaven on Earth! Mama Shasta will reflect your innermost self, your soul’s longing and sense of belonging. Coming home to remembrance of your true essence. Representing the root chakra of the Earth, she welcomes you into her sacred womb of creation, connection and Divine Love. You will feel completely embraced like a child held by a mother to her breast. We will bring you to sacred vortexes/portals to experience what each one offers. We are going on a journey of letting go of what no longer serves us, embracing our soul’s longing, connecting to all living beings, remembering our true essence through activating, transforming and alchemizing all the energies that will help you expand and go deeper within you and your higher self. This transformation is one that is unparalleled to anything experienced in this lifetime. We invite you to come prepared to be fully present in the moment. We will assist in bridging the past, present and all futures into your reality with Love, Grace and the Guidance from the highest vibrational energies and spirits.
Hosted By:
Sacred Elements Holistic Healing ~ Lynn Gerhardt &
Anam Cara Path - Shawn McStravick
Sacred Elements Holistic Healing ~ Lynn Gerhardt &
Anam Cara Path - Shawn McStravick